Over my weekend I sowed some courgette and pumpkin seeds. I had two zucchini varieties, black coral and gold rush. To save space in my raised garden bed I grow my zucchinis vertically. I find this works quite well, you just need to make sure you are constantly tying them up to the stake as they get quite heavy. On the plus side I don't get any marrows hidden under the bush. I'm going to try hand pollinating also to try and get more zucchinis this year.
I also sowed some golden nugget pumpkin seeds. These pumkins are not trailing, and grow as a bush similar to zucchinis. I'm planning on growing this in a 50L pot where I had a tomato last year as I don't need to grow as many tomatoes this season.
I sowed four seeds for each variety of vegetable, as I only need the one plant for each variety, I'm planning on taking them into work once they are bigger and giving them to workmates.
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