The Magic of the Seed

Gardener:Sarah at Netherby

Date:22 Sep 2020

Blog Type:Vegetables, Flowers

The Magic of Seeds

I love seeds! That inside every seed is a blueprint and the potential for a fully grown vegetable or flower or tree. These incredible little seeds even contain their own food supply to get growing and only need soil, water and the warmth from the sun to get growing.

I find planting time so exciting and get a real sense of joy when I see the tiny shoots sprout. It is even more fascinating when I forget which seeds I have planted and wonder what is growing (an admission that yes I have one punnet I haven’t attached the label too.)

The current crop of seedlings that are growing in the greenhouse AKA The Lounge, are racing away, some days they appear to double in size!

I have sown some flower seeds for the first time and looking forward to seeing how they turn out, especially the marigold, dahlia and some random flowers nemophila and portulaca. Also because I can’t actually remember what the nemophila and portulaca flowers look like! I am wanting to plant them in with the veges for a bit of colour and to attract the bees. The marigolds will be useful for their pest deterring qualities.

The Cobra runner beans are nearly ready to be planted out, I direct sowed some seeds in the garden at the same time but something in the garden ate them before they had a chance to get going.

The beetroot, cabbage, cucumber, tomatoes and leek seedlings are really taking off. No sign of the watermelon seedlings yet!

I love this piece of writing about the humble seed that I will leave you with, the first verse from Scottish charm The Consecration of the Seed 

I will go out to sow the seed
In the name of Him who gave it growth;
I will place my front in the wind,
And throw a gracious handful on high.
Should a grain fall on a bare rock,
It shall have no soil in which to grow;
As much as falls to earth,
The dew will make it to be full.


Happy Gardening Everyone!


The Magic of the Seed