How lucky are we to be able to eat fresh out of our garden each day?!
We have a continual supply of lettuce, spring onions, herbs and spinach, the zucchini's are starting to really take off now - soon we'll have too many we don't know what to do with!
We are starting to eat baby carrots. I don't thin mine, instead I thin them out a bit bigger and we eat those as baby carrots, the majority of the time this works well, and the ones left in the ground grow well.
The brassicas are still pumping, a positive with having the climate we have is that we can usually grow them most of the year, it's just the white butterfly that is a pain!
Peas are still really productive, although only the ones for lunchboxes make it inside, the same goes for strawberries!
The tom's are fruiting up nicely, but they will be a wee way off yet, the same with the capsicums. We just need Mother Nature to do her thing, the weather is fluctuating every day, poor plants won't know what to think!
My chillis might be my fail this season, as they have barely grown since I've planted them, but we will see what happens there!
We will be eating new potatoes and maybe fresh berries by Christmas! So that is something to be super excited about!
Not much on the gardening agenda today, as it's raining and almost a turn the heat pump on kind of day!
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