All my tomatoes are in, yay!!!
I can't wait until I start getting some fruit forming, nothing beats homegrown tomatoes.
This year I have two moneymakers as I find these are always reliable and give me heaps of tomatoes, one Roma and one sweet 100. Within each 50L pot there is also one tumbling yellow tomato, which always seems to be the first variety of my tomatoes that start fruiting first. I also have a couple marigolds in each pot to add colour, attract pollinators, and for their other beneficial purposes.
I've aldo added pea straw around the pot to retain the moisture as we go into summer. And as usual I have added the cat barriers until the tomatoes are big enough and then I can remove them. Jazz was not happy when this happened.
I'm hoping for another bumper crop this year, as last year we had at least 20 bags of sauces put into the freezer, along with tomato soup and dried tomatoes. I just need to make sure I keep them well supported as they started to get a bit top heavy and the stems started to bend, so I'm going to keep adding extra ties to them.
If anyone has tips to stop the stem bending when your tomato plants get to heavy please let me know :)
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