Pr Tn Green Keeper Lawn Grass

Lawn grasses can be divided into two groups depending on their growth pattern.

Warm Season Grasses: These grasses grow best in late spring, summer and early autumn. Warm season grasses tend to grow better North of about Hamilton; or in coastal regions with no frost.

Cool Season Grasses: These grow best in autumn and spring. Keep them well-watered during hot summers. Cool season grasses are the dominant lawn type in New Zealand. 

Warm season grasses

These grasses look best in late spring, summer and early autumn.

  • Kikuyu - A fast growing running grass that is vigorous and needs to be regularly mown to keep it as a good-looking lawn. Copes with a small amount of shade. Can be established from seed or laid as turf
  • Couch - a hard wearing lawn that can survive with little care. A running grass that can be established from seed or laid as turf. Seed only germinates reliably when temperatures are between 20° and 30°C. Hates shade and likes a soil pH of 6- 7

Cool season grasses

Look their best in autumn and spring. Keep them well-watered during hot summers.

  • Fine Fescue - This grass is often mixed with other grasses to form a fine turf. It's normally grown from seed. It does have good shade tolerance
  • Kentucky Bluegrass- Grown from seed. It is usually only available in seed mixtures. Spreads by underground runners so it's self-repairing if damaged
  • Bent / Browntop - A fine textured lawn grass that has relatively high maintenance requirements. Can be established from runners or turf
  • Tall Fescue - Tall fescue is a cool season turf grass that is most commonly grown from seed and often found in seed blends
  • Ryegrasses - Fine-leafed perennial ryegrasses are most often included in seed mixes. They germinate readily and grow quickly and offer resistance to wear and tear but need good watering during dry periods. Usually grown from seed.

Project guides & articles

Summer lawn care tips

Whether it’s preparing your lawn for the festive season and holidays or helping it recover from backyard games and parties, here are some summer lawn care tips to help create a beautiful lush green lawn.

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